Camoens René
Job title :
Data Scientist / Statistician
Availability :
Years of Experience:
17yrs +
About Camoens
- Postgraduate Degree - Data Science
- The AI Institute Cambridge Massachusetts, September 2020 Data Analyst Certificate
- Udacity, February 2020 Python for Data Analyst Certificate
- DataCamp, September 2019 Master's Degree - Public Administration
- Université du Québec (Ecole Nationale d'Administration Publique), 2010 Master's Degree - Statistics and Econometrics
- Université Paris Dauphine, 2002
Work Experience
Data Scientist consultant
Haiti Central Bank (January 2022 to January 2023)
Developing Machine Learning predictive model to determine Bank’s default probability.
- Develop a logistic regression model to determine probability of default for banks registered in the Haitian banking system
- Working on a Cox-regression model to determine the time to default for concerned bank (time-to-event), this model allows to determine which variable impacts more the time-to-event.
- Developing hierarchical clustering for at risk economic activities affecting the banks credit portfolio.
Data Scientist (Internship)
The AI Institute (July 2020 - September 2020)
- Use supervised machine learning techniques to develop predictive models;
- Use deep learning techniques for time series analysis: ARIMA Model for Forecasting; prepare time series data for CNNs and LSTMs;
- Use deep learning for Natural Language Processing: Develop an Embedding + CNN Model for Sentiment Analysis;
- Customs segmentation: Use unsupervised Machine Learning techniques for clustering (K-mean).
Data Analyst (Contract)
Intelcom Express (March 2020 - July 2020)
- Use database management systems to analyze data and perform data mining analyzes;
- Direct, coordinate and supervise, if necessary, other peers;
- Write scripts related to recorded procedures and triggers;
- Lead and coordinate, as required, teams of data stewards to develop and implement data policies, standards and models.
Freelance / Consultant (April 2019 – to present)
- Consultant / Heifer International / Department of the South (Cayes, Cavaillon, Arniquet, Port Salut) / Drafting the final report of the endline study for the "Vetiver Forward" program. From December 2023 to end of January 2024.
- Consultant / Twin Sisters Reunited: Conducting the "Mapping of Civil Society Actors Operating in the Arts, Culture, and Traditions Sectors Linked to Our African History and Roots"
- Independent Consultant / CIAT: Development of an Urban Sector Monitoring Dashboard and Urban Agenda for Haiti
- Independent Consultant / Jesuit Refugee Service, Port-au-Prince: Statistician responsible for the study on power relations between men and women in the communes of Belladère and Ouanaminthe
- Wrangle and clean data and perform data visualization to help clients (e.g. International Labor Office) understand the massive datasets that they have collected, ultimately increasing profit margins;
- Conduct survey research and construction for several clients;
- Deploy survey instruments to collect hundreds of data points, increasing client’s data collection abilities;
- Administer surveys and design protocols and procedures to ensure data collection efforts meet predefined targets.
Data Analyst (Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning)
American Red Cross (March 2015 - March 2019)
- Support monitoring and evaluation approaches to assess progress and tracking toward project-specific objectives and outputs;
- Develop standardized M&E resources for ARC’s International Services Department (e.g. common monitoring and evaluation guidelines, manuals, indicators, etc.);
- Develop global tools and research initiatives to enhance intervention design, approaches and data gathering processes and techniques.
Heifer International (February to April 2024)
- Consultant / Heifer International / Department of the South (Cayes, Cavaillon, Arniquet, Port Salut) / Final Evaluation of the "Vetiver Forward" Program.
Ministere de l’Education Nationale et de la Formation Professionnelle, Haiti (May to September 2021)
- Mission Leader / Quality Education Program, MENFP / Grand Sud / Logistical support for the implementation of the learning assessment for 3rd grade students on behalf of the Quality Education Program in Haiti, funded by the World Bank for the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training.
Ministere de l’Education Nationale et de la Formation Professionnelle, Haiti (April to July 2017)
- Chief Statistician for the data collection pilot of the Quality Assurance System (SAQ) in education in Haiti
- Installation of data collection instruments on tablets
- Recruitment and training of survey agents
- Quality control of the survey process
- Monitoring data collection progress
- Data cleaning
- Other logistical support in the implementation of data collection operations
Chief Statistician: EGRA Post-Mathew Study (April to July 2017)
- Development of electronic forms
- Basic testing of questionnaire integration
- Training of survey agents
- Pre-testing
- Monitoring data collection progress
- Logistic support for training and test administration
- Supervision of data collection
- Lead the data cleaning phase
Chief Statistician: EGRA Study, evaluation of basic reading skills of second-grade students (April to August 2016)
- Development of electronic forms
- Basic testing of questionnaire integration
- Training of survey agents
- Pre-testing
- Monitoring data collection progress
- Logistic support for training and test administration
- Supervision of data collection
- Lead the data cleaning phase
- Conduct data analysis and produce the final report